What is Square Dance?
german version

Square Dance was formed in the USA and is based on traditional Folkdance from

different Folk groups of America.

Does that sound difficult? It isn’t-easy too say: “Dance in a Square”

  Music, Happiness by movement and Fun are all joined together in one place  

„Modern American Square Dance“is danced too: Pop, Rock, Classic, Soul, Irish Folk


and traditional Country & Western Music.


The movement finds it`s self in different dance moves again, but these dance moves


are not learnt beforehand, but given by the Caller put together as he calls the dance

  (tip) is always done with 8 people.


  Within this Hobby all age groups are too be seen and apart of the normal club night`s

everyone can visit Special Dances and other Club`s and worldwide.

  Therefore Square Dance offer`s for everyone, whether your single or as a couple, a  

good base too get too know other people and too build new friendship`s.

We would be so happy too see you on our next Club night!